Overdownunder II

In 2008, Jerry Farsoun became the only person in international aviation history to fly solo and unassisted around Australia in a Powerchute all in a bid to reduce the sigma and raise awareness of depression with an emphasis on suicide prevention and he did so because of his own battle.

2012 marks the beginning of a 10 year project to re-circumnavigate the continent but this time with a full time ground crew and passengers to share the message and have a greater impact in the community.

Each year for the next 10 years, Jerry will fly from one state to another promoting a new and free online, telephone and video counseling service which will underpin a new smart phone app to target and help those exposed to bullying, suffering from depression, at risk of suicide and their carers as well as those bereaved by suicide.

The awareness game is up, it’s now what to do and Overdownunder is committed at not only making a difference, it’s about making a change and making it permanent!

Weather controls this project and keeping up to date with the latest on the progress can be done by joining the newsletter at http://overdownunder.com.au/